IELTS Practice Tests

Enhance your IELTS preparation with our comprehensive online practice tests and mock exams.

Our platform offers:

  1. Authentic IELTS-style questions: You can experience questions that closely mimic the actual IELTS General and Academic exam across all four sections – Listening, Reading, Writing Task 1 and 2, and Speaking Part 1,2, and 3.
  2. Timed IELTS mock exams: You may simulate real test conditions with our full-length IELTS mock exams, complete with strict timing to improve your pacing skills.
  3. Regular updates: Our question bank is constantly updated to reflect the latest IELTS trends and patterns.
  • IELTS Academic Reading: Space Satellites

    Welcome to this IELTS Academic Reading practice test! This test is designed to help you prepare for the reading section of the IELTS Academic exam. The recommended time limit is 20 minutes. Remember to read the passages carefully and pay attention to the specific instructions for each question type. Good luck! The Evolution of Satellite…

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  • IELTS Writing Task 2: Gender Equality

    Welcome to your IELTS Writing Task 2 practice exercise. This task is designed to assess your ability to write a discursive essay on a contemporary social issue. Task Guidelines: Writing Task Prompt You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some argue that quotas and mandatory diversity policies are…

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  • IELTS Speaking Practice Test: Gender Equality

    Welcome to your comprehensive IELTS Speaking practice set focusing on the topic of Gender Equality. This practice set is designed to help you prepare for all three parts of the IELTS Speaking test, simulating the actual exam environment. Test Structure and Timing: Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) The examiner will ask you general…

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  • IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test: 5G Technology

    Welcome, test-taker! This practice test is designed to help you prepare for the Academic version of the IELTS Reading examination. The IELTS Academic Reading test is structured to assess your ability to understand complex, university-level texts across various scientific and technological domains. Test Format: Important Note: This test simulates the Academic Reading component. Always refer…

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  • IELTS Listening Practice Test: Coastal Climate Change

    This practice test will help you prepare for the IELTS Listening exam. You will hear a lecture about climate change impacts on coastal regions and potential solutions from a TED Talk. The test contains 10 sentence completion questions that follow the natural progression of the audio. You’ll have approximately 15 minutes to complete all questions.…

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  • IELTS Listening Practice Test: Photosynthesis for Food

    This practice test will help you prepare for the IELTS Listening exam. You will hear a lecture about improving photosynthesis to address global food insufficiency from a TED Talk. The test contains 10 sentence completion questions that follow the natural progression of the audio. You’ll have approximately 15 minutes to complete all questions. Read the…

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  • IELTS Speaking Practice Test: The Happiness

    Welcome to this comprehensive IELTS Speaking practice session focused on the theme of happiness. This practice set covers all three parts of the IELTS Speaking test, with Part 1 taking 4-5 minutes, Part 2 lasting 3-4 minutes, and Part 3 extending for 4-5 minutes. Each section is designed to help you demonstrate different aspects of…

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  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice: Happiness Topic

    This practice question is designed for IELTS Writing Task 2. You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words. Remember to plan your response before writing and leave time for review. Writing Task 2 Prompt In today’s fast-paced society, many people claim that it is becoming increasingly difficult to…

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  • IELTS Listening Practice Test: The Amazon Rainforest at Night

    This practice test will help you prepare for the IELTS Listening exam. You will hear a lecture about the Amazon rainforest and its nocturnal creatures, particularly focusing on praying mantises from a TED Talk. The test contains 10 sentence completion questions that follow the natural progression of the audio. You’ll have approximately 12 minutes to…

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  • IELTS Listening: Global Cooperation and Climate Change

    Welcome to this IELTS Listening practice test focusing on global cooperation and climate change challenges. You will hear a lecture about international collaboration and environmental concerns from a TED Talk. The test contains 9 questions and follows the standard IELTS format. You should spend approximately 12 minutes on this section. Take time to read the…

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