The “Big Picture” Strategy in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

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This approach is all about stepping back and looking at the overall trends or main features before diving into the specifics.

So, how can you apply this “Big Picture” strategy in your IELTS Academic Writing Task 1?

First, take a moment to look at the visual information as a whole.

What’s the main trend or feature that stands out?

Next, try to sum up this main point in one or two sentences.

This will form your overview paragraph.

Finally, as you write your detailed paragraphs, keep referring back to this big picture to show how the details support it.

Practical Examples

Let’s see how this might work with five different types of visual information:

Line Graph showing global temperatures over 100 years

Big Picture: “Overall, global temperatures have shown a clear upward trend over the past century, with a particularly sharp increase in the last 30 years.”

Bar Chart displaying smartphone usage across different age groups

Big Picture: “In general, smartphone usage decreases with age, with the youngest age group spending significantly more time on their devices than older generations.”

Pie Charts showing transportation methods in a city in 1990 and 2020

Big Picture: “The most notable change over the 30-year period is a shift from public transportation towards more environmentally friendly options like cycling and walking.”

Table showing student enrollment in different courses over 5 years

Big Picture: “While total student enrollment has remained relatively stable, there has been a clear shift in popularity from humanities courses towards STEM subjects over the five-year period.”

Diagram showing the life cycle of a butterfly

Big Picture: “The butterfly undergoes a complete metamorphosis, transforming through four distinct stages from egg to adult butterfly.”

By using this “Big Picture” strategy, you’re demonstrating to the examiner that you can see beyond the individual data points to understand the overall significance of the information.

Remember, your overview should be brief – just one or two sentences. The key is to capture the most significant trend or feature.

It can help you structure your response more effectively. This shows the examiner that you can analyze data at different levels.

I’m really curious to hear about your experiences with IELTS Writing Task 1.

Have you tried starting with an overview before?

Share your thoughts in the comments below

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