IELTS Listening Practice Test: Science Topic

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Welcome to this IELTS Listening Practice Test based on a lecture from TED Talks about cell culture and tissue engineering.

This test simulates the format and difficulty level of the actual IELTS Listening test.

You’ll hear the audio once and answer 7 multiple-choice questions.

The recommended time limit is 10 minutes. Listen carefully and good luck!


Circle the correct letter A, B, or C for each question.

1. What does the speaker primarily work with in her lab?

A. Petri dishes

B. Cells

C. Incubators

2. The main goal of the speaker’s lab is to:

A. Observe cells on plates

B. Engineer tissues

C. Develop new cell culture media

3. Why does the speaker say traditional cell culture techniques aren’t enough?

A. The cells are too small to study

B. The cells don’t feel at home in the dish

C. The techniques are too expensive

4. What does the speaker mean by the “biomimetic paradigm”?

A. Creating new types of cells

B. Studying cells in their natural environment

C. Copying nature in the lab

5. How do they simulate the heart’s beating in the lab?

A. By using mini pacemakers

B. By adding more blood to the culture

C. By increasing the temperature

6. According to the speaker, what is lesson number one?

A. Cells are very complex

B. Life can do a lot with very little

C. Electrical stimulation is crucial for cell growth

7. What does the speaker suggest about our relationship with our cells?

A. We should ignore them

B. We should consider environmental stewardship of our body’s ecosystem

C. We should focus only on cancer cells

Please write your answers in the comments section.

The audio transcript can be found in the lower right of the video, and answers will be provided in a reply to this post.

For more listening practice tests, you can visit Climate Change and An Innovative Journey.

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