Welcome to this IELTS Speaking practice question set focused on sociology.
This set simulates all three parts of the IELTS Speaking test.
Part 1 lasts 4-5 minutes, Part 2 takes 3-4 minutes, and Part 3 runs for 4-5 minutes. Let’s begin!
Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)
In this section, the examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and familiar topics. Remember, the examiner may ask follow-up questions based on your responses.
- Do you have any friends who study sociology?
- What do you think sociologists do in their jobs?
- Have you ever read any books about social issues?
- How do you think society has changed in your country in recent years?
- Are there any social customs in your culture that you find interesting?
- Do you think it’s important for people to understand how society works?
- Have you ever participated in any community events or activities?
- How do you think social media affects relationships between people?
Part 2: Individual Long Turn (3-4 minutes)
In this part, you’ll be given a topic card.
You’ll have 1 minute to prepare your response, then you should speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic.
Describe a social issue that you think is important in your country.
You should say:
What the issue is
Why you think it’s important
How it affects people in your country
What you think could be done to address this issue
You have one minute to prepare. You can make notes if you wish.
Part 3: Two-way Discussion (4-5 minutes)
Now we’ll discuss some more abstract questions related to sociology and social issues.
- How do you think economic inequality affects society as a whole?
- In what ways can education systems influence social mobility?
- What role do you think the media plays in shaping public opinion on social issues?
- How might demographic changes, such as an aging population, impact social structures?
- Do you think globalization has had a positive or negative effect on local cultures? Why?
- How can governments balance individual freedoms with the need for social order?
- What do you think are the biggest challenges facing society in the next 50 years?
Sample Answer Outlines
Part 1
“Yes, I have a friend who studies sociology. She finds it fascinating because it helps her understand how society functions and why people behave the way they do in different social contexts.”
Part 2
Introduction: Identify the social issue (e.g., income inequality)
Point 1: Explain why it’s important (affects quality of life, social cohesion)
Point 2: Describe how it affects people (limited opportunities, social tension)
Point 3: Suggest solutions (education reform, progressive taxation)
Conclusion: Summarize the importance of addressing the issue
Part 3
“Economic inequality can have far-reaching effects on society. It can lead to social tension, reduced opportunities for those at the bottom, and even health disparities. Moreover, it can impact political stability if people feel the system is unfair. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach, including education, job creation, and potentially revisiting tax policies.”
IELTS Speaking Evaluation Criteria
Fluency and Coherence
Lexical Resource
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
We encourage you to practice all three parts, ideally with a study partner.
Sample high-scoring responses will be provided in a reply to this post.
Comment your responses in the comment box below!
Feel free to try other IELTS Speaking practices at: Technology and Science.
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